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Nation's Report Card Reveals Mixed Progress
posted by: Garry | November 07, 2013, 05:32 PM   

According to the data, 8th graders' average math scores have risen 1 point since 2011, and reading scores have risen 3 points, on NAEP's 500-point scale. While 4th graders gained 1 point in math, there was no statistical gain in reading. Additionally, both 4th and 8th grade students are less than 50% proficient in math and reading – with 8th graders at 36% proficiency in math and reading, and 4th graders at an average of 38.5% proficiency. 

In addition to the raw data, the results showed a need for remedying the disparity between students’ socioeconomic backgrounds/genders and scores. Data showed 51% of Asian students and 46% of white students reached proficiency in 4th grade reading, but only 20% of Hispanic students and 18% of black students reached this level. In terms of gender - 42% of girls were reading at or above the proficient level in 8th grade, while only 31% of boys were doing so. Only 25% of students eligible for free or reduced-price meals reached proficiency in 4th grade math, compared with 59% of their wealthier peers.

Lastly, the scores revealed persistent issues with testing special education students.  Ten percent of students with disabilities were excluded from NAEP testing, down from an all time high of 31% in 1998.

Despite modest gains, education reform advocates claim we are not making necessary changes fast enough for our students. Kara Kerwin, president of The Center for Education Reform (CER), stated, "It's a disgrace and truly incomprehensible that after decades of mediocrity, we celebrate today the fact that only 34 percent of our nation's 8th graders can read at grade level and only 34 percent are proficient in math."

Click here to read the entire report card and a state-by-state breakdown.

What do you think of these scores? Are we making enough progress?


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