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As October and Connected Educator Month draw to a close, it’s never too late to get connected! Here are ten simple tips for "connecting,” derived from anEdutopia blog by Elana Leoni. Continue Reading...
Research You Shouldn't Miss: From Field Trips to Adult Skills
posted by: Garry | October 09, 2013, 09:44 PM A study was released yesterday that’s making big news: US adults score below other developed countries in math, literacy, and problem solving abilities. Perhaps it’s because the technology we’ve been embracing is distracting us, or because we’re teaching study skills that don’t work, or maybe just because we don’t value our teachers as much. Maybe if we start taking more field trips to art museums, we might see our skills rise. All of these topics, and many more, have been addressed in research studies released in the past few months. Read on to learn more about these studies: Continue Reading...
Feelings of isolation have long been among the most common complaints of being a teacher. Recently it's become more and more clear that when educators collaborate, the art of teaching is raised and students reap the rewards.
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Whether you’re looking into flipping your classroom or you just want to spice up a lesson, short, content-rich video is the way to go. If you’re looking for the perfect clip to get your students excited about your subject, check out this list of our favorite Youtube channels: Continue Reading...
With the announcement of Google and EdX joining forces to provide online courses, opportunities to take courses online, either for free or pay, continues to expand. For teachers, this provides an easy way to keep on top of their craft through professional development. While not every site offering online courses have courses that teachers can use for professional development, many do.
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Changes to National Boards Make Certification More Flexible for Teachers
posted by: Garry | September 10, 2013, 04:43 PM With tight budgets and changing requirements, teachers are always excited to hear about ways to save money on professional development and certifications. Recently, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) announced a $600 decrease in the price of certification. The change is designed to save teachers money and make certification easier to obtain. In addition to the $600 decrease, NBPTS will also reduce the application fee for teachers– a savings largely achieved through advancements in electronic submission of candidates’ portfolios. Teachers will also be permitted to complete the process using a pay-as-you-go approach. Due partly to a 3.7 million dollar grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the price drop accompanies further modifications. Teachers will be given greater flexibility in completing required assessments and the program will begin to integrate new information into the certification process, including student surveys and measures of students’ academic progress. Continue Reading...
Social and Emotional Learning: Integral Components of a Quality Education
posted by: Garry | August 30, 2013, 03:02 PM Recently, a Phi Delta Kappa survey revealed 59% of Americans would expand mental health services in schools, whereas only 33% would opt for hiring more security guards. In light of recent high-profile school shootings and fiscal realities facing districts, the ability to foster social and emotional learning is more critical than ever. Continue Reading...
August Teacher Resources – Websites You Can Go Back to School With
posted by: Ruthie | August 16, 2013, 07:42 PM In the midst of going through your materials, setting up your bulletin boards, and writing new lessons, check out these websites which can help you add a little flash to the new school year. Continue Reading...
In the past, we've talked about the importance of setting up a PLN (professional learning network), an online alternative to a school based professional learning community or PLC. PLNs are one of the few forms of professional development that have been shown to have a lasting impact on teacher practice and student learning. As the new year approaches, now is the perfect time to take a look at your PLN and make sure that it's getting the job done.
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Below is a list of 20 fantastic discounts to make back-to-school shopping a little easier on your wallet. From software to clothing, this list contains a wide variety of incredible savings opportunities. Start your year off right with everything you need for your classroom! Do you need additional funds? Check out KANAAE's fall Scholarship and Grant opportunities.
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Education Research: 5 Important Studies Every Teacher Should be Talking About
posted by: Ruthie | July 12, 2013, 07:01 PM
In the hustle and bustle of the everyday classroom, it's easy to forget that every month new research is being published about education. This research often seems removed from how we behave in the classroom, but it doesn't need to be. Often this research can have a very real impact in our classrooms and during the school day. With that being said, we've compiled some of the latest studies and polls that all classroom teachers should be talking about:
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More and more teachers are looking to online professional development courses as a way to keep abreast of current trends, hone skills, and fit their PD needs into an already cramped teacher schedule. The increase of offerings of online professional development is rapidly replacing older methods of having an expert come to your school, or attending workshops of a various topics. The shift can be seen on AAE's own Professional Development Calendar, where online offerings vastly outnumber in-person workshops or classes. Online professional development is cheaper, easier to fit into a teacher's schedule, and has the ability to be personalized to an individual teacher's need. Continue Reading...
Kansas Association of American Educators Celebrates National Employee Freedom Week
posted by: Garry | June 24, 2013, 03:59 PM Manhattan, KS – Today, the Kansas Association of American Educators (KANAAE) joins with over 40 partner organizations to celebrate National Employee Freedom Week (NEFW), a first-of-its-kind national campaign to promote teachers' rights of association. Continue Reading... Doug Lemov may be best known for his bestseller, “Teach Like a Champion,” which provides teachers with specific teaching strategies. Yesterday, he released a paper just as interesting and useful for teachers - one that champions the use of practice in the refinement of teaching skills. Continue Reading...
The ability to work in groups and collaborate is one of those 21st century skills that teachers try to instill alongside all the other curriculum necessities. It is also a skill that teachers constantly struggle to pass on to their students. It is not an impossible task, however. Consider these methods for building collaboration in your classroom:
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In recent weeks the controversy surrounding the Common Core State Standards has grown, with the Republican Party officially taking a stance against it and liberal commentators have criticized it, but implementation continues.
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As we do every month, we’ve collected the best teacher resources we’ve found and are presenting them here for you. Continue Reading...
It's my sincere hope that every AAE member is involved in some sort of professional learning community (PLC). Without a doubt, this form of professional development is proven to be one of the most effective with one of the longest reaching impacts for teachers and students.
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We recently introduced our new Professional Development Calendar, meant to be a single place where teachers can find a wealth of upcoming opportunities.
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Professional Development: It’s Not All Workshops and Conferences
posted by: Alix | March 20, 2013, 06:37 PM
When you talk to educators about professional development, there tends to be a mindset that favors events like conferences, workshops, and webinars. Even though studies have shown that these forms of professional development are limited in their success, teachers still cling to them as ways to connect with other educators and get new ideas. That's not to say that these forms of professional development are entirely without merit, just that by relying on these staples we close ourselves to other opportunities.
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