posted by: Ruthie
| March 19, 2014, 07:00 PM
By this point, anyone paying attention to trends in education is familiar with the concept of a flipped classroom. In this model, the teacher assigns the lectures as "homework” in video form and then works with the students by going through what usually would have been assigned for homework in class. The model has a lot of advantages. It allows students to work at their own pace, and for the teacher to give extra help where it’s needed.
Now, some schools are districts are shifting this model to the way teachers pursue their professional development. Called "Flipped PD,” this new model of professional development is very similar to what teachers do in the classroom. In this model, several teachers meet with PD coaches in face-to-face meetings on a regular basis, but before the meeting takes place, the teachers communicate with their coaches what it is that they’re working on or struggling with. The coach provides them some guidance before the meeting, and then during the meeting, they follow up and go deeper into the process. When even more guidance is needed, coaches provide further support through videos and other resources and use online tools to continue communication.
The benefits of using this model for teachers are clear. There is little time wasted trying to figure out what a teacher’s needs are, and communication between teacher and coach happens on a much more consistent basis. Because teachers are able to look at materials and resources, and even try implementing ideas before the meeting, the session can spend more time on the small issues that may be keeping a teacher from success, providing for PD that is deeper and much more meaningful than what is usually experienced.
If you’re interested in learning more about Flipped PD, check out: